Let Hearts Lead

Let your heart lead. This is not a time to choose sides. This is the time to choose being human. Hamas, or whoever ignited this fuse, acted outside of their humanity when they brutally attacked Israeli civilians. What the Israeli government and military are doing is also acting outside of their humanity. 

Today we listen to the blame and denials of who caused hundreds of children to be killed by a rocket blast to a hospital. More time is spent on the blame game than on the rescue. That is outside of our humanity. 

President Biden’s calculated error was to whole-heartedly support Israel without noting the consequences from such an unequivocal stand. Seeing the inhuman disregard for life by the Israeli government, the administration has attempted to interrupt the mistake, with little success. Mainstream media is happy to fuel the fire with slanted journalism and our citizenry is complicit in ignorance. But we can change this.

The families of those held hostage are wondering why ceasefire and negotiations are not front and center to recover their loved ones. 

We have too quickly pledged our allegiance. The allegiance should be to our humanity, not to a side.  The consequences will continue to spiral, until we once and for all end the disregard of human life. And we can do this.

Our government is playing a very dangerous game. Whether politics, or greed, religious dogma or sheer ignorance are driving the bus, we are heading for another horrible nightmare. 

Have we not learned from the lies that led us into the Iraq war? Have we not witnessed the folly of avenging violence with more violence? 

There is only one side to take. It’s the human side. Help end the madness. Not prolong it.

I am not sure the source of this photo. but if you cannot appreciate the innocence in it, please reconsider what matters most in Life. We are here but for such a short time and we leave this bit of heaven to those who come after us. Think. And act with Love. The choice is always ours.

One Day. Take a listen.

Try To Care

On September 30, federal child-care support ends. It’s projected over 70,000-child care programs will close due to lack of funding. More than three million children will lose their care. The effects of this lack of funding will reverberate throughout the workforce as parents make the harsh choices of needing to leave work altogether or to dramatically cut their work hours. Facilities will close and worker’s livelihoods will be terminated.

And who will suffer most? The children. Yes, studies show that businesses will suffer, our economy will suffer, but our future will suffer the greatest threats as we abruptly halt the lifeline of support to those who are the neediest: our children.  

This is something we cannot afford. Far too many of our children are still rebounding from the effects of the pandemic. To force them into further hardship at this time is inhuman.

Our federal defense spending is greater than all of our programs to assist low-income people. These include: SNAP, school meals, low-income housing and childcare assistance. We spend more on military might than on ensuring everyone can pay their energy bills or on programs to aid abused children.

Now on September 30th we will end childcare support. What signal are we giving the future leaders of our land? We are effectively saying, “We do not care about you”. When the youngest are abandoned surely that is a sign that the society has truly gone mad. 

People squabble over the two party system, which is the better party? Which approaches are the right ways to go? But I’ll tell you this: a government or lack thereof is the result of people who do not care.

“Kids at Daycare” is a Creative Commons, attribution 2.0 license

How can we not care?